Support us

Support a region

Support a distribution center in your region.

Your support enables us to:

  • Establish a distribution center equipped with modern tools.
  • Prepare and set up the reservation system.
  • Inform schools and teachers about the possibility of renting IR cameras.
  • Organize a workshop where we will show the possibilities of including IR cameras in teaching using real examples.

Examples of cooperation:

  • The Bosch company supported the establishment of a distribution center in České Budějovice.
  • The Valeo company initially supported kits that were used in selected schools. Gradually, the cooperation moved to the support of three distribution centers in Rakovník, Humpolec and Prague.

Support content creation

The IR camera is merely a tool. To achieve the desired impact, we create comprehensive didactic materials and resources.

With your support, we can introduce to the students your production process or principles of operation of your product.

  • With your help, we will design and prepare new educational aids or experiments
  • We will prepare worksheets and methodical sheets

Examples of cooperation:

  • The Valeo company manufactures car air conditioners in Rakovník. Together we designed an air conditioning model. The model explains how cold is created in a refrigerator or air conditioner.

Support the platform

Curious about what we do on our platform? We also have exciting plans for expanding and enhancing our services.

We can’t do this alone.

We are looking for a strong partner who will join us in offerring schools and teachers new possibilities.

With your help, we will cover the remaining regions of the Czech Republic and we can also go beyond the borders.

Let’s show that science education can be enriched and show its scope, for example, on environmental topics.

If education is a priority for you, we are ready for cooperation.

Examples of cooperation

An example of successful cooperation with businesses:

Valeo, s.r.o.

  • 2021
    Valeo, s.r.o. supported the creation of educational content. We have created an educational aid Model of air conditioning. During the year, the aid was distributed to selected schools in the Czech Republic.
  • 2022
    Thanks to the support of Valeo, s.r.o. we were able to set up a distribution center in Rakovník and thus increase the availability of IR cameras in Central Bohemia and the Ústí Region.
  • 2023
    Thanks to the support of Valeo, s.r.o. we opened a distribution center in Prague and Humpolec

An example of successful cooperation with the public sphere:

Municipalities Kralovice and Rokycany

  • since 2021
    We train teachers in the municipalities of Kralovicka and Rokycanska.
  • 2022
    In the regions of Kralovice and Rokycany, we provide rental of IR cameras
  • 2023 – 2024
    We are implementing a long-term educational project focused on the microclimate in municipalities