
Built-in Software
TIMI Edu Infrared Camera

  • Manages the sensors and display of the IR camera.
  • Saves LRC files.
  • Provides live images as an RTSP stream.

Evaluation software
LabIR Edu

A dekstop application for advanced analysis of LRC recordings.

Live image reader
LabIR RTSP Player

A desktop application for reading the real-time image of the IR camera TIMI Edu.

Feature Comparison

Built-in software of TIMI Edu camerasLabIR Edu for PCLabIR RTSP Player for PC
Point analysis
Rectangular analysis
Elliptical analysis
Line analysis
Custom analysis shape
Export CSV✔ (seqvence)
Export AVI/MP4
View line profile
Available palettesIRON, JETIRON, JET, Amber, Grayscale, Rainbow HCIRON, JET