
Infrared camera can be used in a variety of science education activities. It gives deeper insight into subjects we commonly know.

Program "Forest through the eyes of a scientist“ in Sluňákov - center of ecological activities of the city of Olomouc

Penguins in the Pilsen Zoo 

Environmental Education

Thanks to infrared cameras, you can look at this cross-sectional topic with new eyes.


Technical Education

Students can also try out activities in which IR cameras are often used in practice - to detect energy losses and to optimize thermal processes.
  • Some of the experiments awarded in our student competitions have examined electrical equipment or mechanical components.

The importance of grassy areas in cities demonstrated on an infrared picture with a significant temperature difference between asphalt and grass

Recording chemical experiments in cooperation with the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Education, UWB


The mobile polytechnic laboratory uses activating teaching methods, modern technologies and an attractive environment. Our IR cameras have been part of the project for the second year.

Feeding the Rothschild Giraffe at the Pilsen Zoo

Electric circuits – introducing topics of Ohms law and Kirchhoff s circuit laws

Nvias offers primary and secondary schools in the Pilsen region and in Prague an inspiring "Climate rules" project day. Students run fictional countries and use innovative technologies that can help save the planet. One of them is our infrared camera, which helps in the fight against global warming. The project day educates the young generation in the field of ecology, sustainable development or the world economy.

Conduction of heat can be demonstrated by placing a hand on a book or thick catalogue 


Physics is projected in all STEM subjects, which cut across key concepts, such as heat and energy.
  • An infrared camera shows the heat that is all around us. All objects emit electromagnetic radiation based primarily on their temperature ( if their temperature is greater than absolute zero - 0 K or -273.15 °C)
  • It enables students to see and better understand otherwise abstract and invisible phenomena such as heat and thermal processes.
  • Learning physics becomes much more accessible and intuitive for students.
  • We cooperate on physics experiments with the Department of Physics Didactics of the Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.


Infrared observation of the living world is one of the most interesting and fun - whether you are researching the human body, animals or plants.
  • Environmental Center Sluňákov, o.p.s. uses our infrared cameras in the environmental programme „Forest through the eyes of a scientist“ which shows children the impact of greenery on the environment and its benefits for humans.

Students from Masaryk Grammar School Pilsen observed the electric motor warming up as part of our student competition

Infrared cameras are designed to fit in the children's hands

Cold-blooded animal under an infrared camera 

Demonstration of the emissivity effect in an egg frying experiment

Evaluation of a competition with heating of squash balls using an infrared camera 


Infrared cameras make chemistry much more visually captivating because they visualize real-time chemical processes.
  • We prepare chemical experiments in cooperation with the Faculty of Education of the University of West Bohemia. 

An experiment demonstrating the difference in transmissivity in the visible and infrared spectrum on a black bin bag

A popular activity of our workshops and project days is warming up squash balls. Participants compete who can warm up a squash ball the most

Example of visual demonstration in chemistry - exothermic reaction of hydrogen peroxide and hypermanganese  

Demonstration of the effect of emissivity of a copper sheet on the infrared measurement


In September 2021, the Czech car manufacturer launched a project introducing state-of-the-art technologies including our IR cameras to students at elementary schools to promote technical education.

Workshop for teachers on the use of infrared cameras in teaching organised in cooperation with the Elixir to Schools organisation  

Science and Technology Day UWB

We participate every year in this popular science festival organized by the University of West Bohemia which transforms Pilsen's Square into a science laboratory.

Thermal changes during ice salting - learning about freezing point and latent heat  

Lathe through the eyes of an infrared camera 

Some materials are transparent to infrared radiation but not to visible light and vice versa (students can try the see-through effect on a black bin bag or a blown-up balloon)

Workshop for teachers and lectors in the science center Fortress of Knowledge in Olomouc

Temperature changes during the dissolution of solid substances

Aeronautical thermography 

Infrared image of a camel shedding winter fur from the Pilsen Zoo

Chemical experiment with burning of organic substances through the eyes of an infrared camera 

LabIR Edu Conference

The first year of our project conference took place in Plasy near Pilsen.
  • After the covid pause, we finally had the opportunity to meet our project partners and great teachers in one place to share ideas on how to spice up STEM education with infrared cameras and to discuss our future joint projects.
  • We were amazed by seven great science shows, that demonstrated the involvement of the infrared camera in teaching physics, chemistry, biology and environmental education.

From a workshop for teachers within the summer science camp of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Demonstration of different transmissivity in the visible and infrared spectrum on a plexiglass plate

Maker Faire Plzeň

We can never miss the Pilsen event for do-it-yourself enthusiasts.

The infrared camera is controlled using an intuitive touch-screen