About LabIR Edu

We are a team from the NTC research centre of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen specializing in infrared technologies. Apart from research, we deal with educational activities within the LabIR Edu project.

We have used our more than twenty years of experience with thermographic measurement to develop an infrared camera that will help students understand how heat and thermal processes work in various school subjects.

What we do

We lend Edukits to schools and train educators to use them in classes

We support curiosity-driven learning of STEM subjects through modern technologies and professional growth of teachers by organising workshops.

We manufacture IR cameras and develop complementary teaching materials and tools

We believe that working with a modern optical device encourages students’ creativity, digital and scientific skills.

We cooperate with industrial companies and respond to their needs

Thanks to cooperation with companies, we have involved more vocational schools in our activities. Our common goal is to encourage more young people to find their vocation in science and technology.

We organize competitions and project days in schools

We aim to motivate students to work on long-term team projects, explore subjects in-depth, perform and record infrared measurements and present their discoveries.

We are building a network of distribution centres

Our goal is to make Edukits accessible to schools through partner distribution centres in the Czech Republic and abroad.

We educate online and using social media

We have added a live-streaming function to our IR cameras during the pandemic closure of schools and use social media platforms to promote science.

Our vision

Through the involvement of Edukits with infrared cameras in classes, we want to share our enthusiasm for science and new technologies with the young generation and motivate students to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). We are showing children that they can discover, research, and create new things in their future careers and that they can find such kind of work fun and fulfilling. We pass on to them what is closest to our hearts - our unique know-how in infrared technologies.

Our team has utilized the experience with professional IR cameras, their hardware and software to develop special IR cameras for educational purposes. Infrared cameras for 21st-century children who will handle them just as easily as a tablet.

Our story

We have learned that infrared cameras could have a great potential in teaching thermal science at science promotion events for schools where we exhibited professional IR cameras. The challenge for our team was to design a prototype that would be affordable and easy to use for school-age children.


Thanks to our experience in the field of thermal measurement, we are working on the development of software and hardware for an educational IR camera.


We are testing the prototype of our special IR camera at a workshop in cooperation with the Pilsen Regional Elixir Center for Schools and start to lend “Edukits” to schools in the Pilsen Region thanks to the SPIE grant for 2020/21.


We start to cooperate with teachers on development of complementary tools and materials to the IR camera. Organize workshops in other regions thanks to the SPIE grant for 2021/22 and open the first two distribution centres in Olomouc and Brno. We have also established cooperation with industrial companies (Valeo, Bosch) and several public institutions.

Annual report of the project for the year 2021


We are building a network of distribution centres throughout the Czech Republic and presenting the project abroad. In cooperation with teachers, we are focusing our educational program on specific subjects and fields.

Annual report of the project for the year 2022


We continue developing our platform, we start new partnerships and we create the first e-learning for teachers.

Annual report of the project for the year 2023